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商品網址: http://idragon.info/redirect.php?k=62cdd21b6c433bd21de654fd42dce51b&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=

[美國直購] Roomba 700 Series Brush Pack 21902的評價不錯.哪裡買最便宜.心得文.試用文.分享文.



Maintain cleaning performance and reduce battery drain by regularly replacing Roomba's brushes. Brush Kit includes 2 bristle brushes with bearings, 2 sidebrushes and 2 flexible beater brushes. Compatible with Roomba 700 Series, Gray Cleaning Head, only.


700 Series Brush Pack Full Specifications

Regular replacement of Roomba's brushes will help to maximize cleaning performance. Brush Kit includes 2 bristle brushes with bearings, 2 sidebrushes and 2 flexible beater brushes. Compatible with Roomba 700 Series, Gray Cleaning Head, only.

印象電子鍋特賣直立洗衣機跟滾筒差別What's In The Box:

  • 2 Bristle Brushes With Bearings

  • 2 Sidebrushes

  • 2 Flexible Beater Brushes

    The iRobot limited warranty shall not apply to failures or problems which are caused by products or equipment not authorized by iRobot Corporation.


    Country of Origin:United States


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發表者 Jerry chou, 2015/01/19 16:46:25

物超所值,Very good!

[美國直購] Roomba 700 Series Brush Pack 21902

[美國直購] Roomba 700 Series Brush Pack 21902分享推薦.好用.推薦.評價.熱銷.開箱文.優缺點比較

商品網址: http://idragon.info/redirect.php?k=62cdd21b6c433bd21de654fd42dce51b&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=14E237C63E37CF9E

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